A Letter to my Dear Self

Dear Self,

          I knew you saw it. Right in the front of a big mirror, you saw it all: Your scars that remind you of your not-so-good past, your stretch marks that are scattered all throughout your very plump body, your psoriasis that keep on coming back from time to time, your facial hairs and warts that makes you feel dirty and ugly, yes, you saw it all, your flaws that made you feel insecure, down and unattractive.

          Yes, you have so many flaws but your love overflows. You have a kind heart, a quiet soul and a creative brain. You have your caring family, folks and friends who are always there for you. You have what you need and what you want in life.

Yes, you are a super-sized girl but God showered you with super blessings.

          Yes, you stutter when you speak. Yes, you have a mental illness. Yes, you cannot hear that well. Yes, you cannot see clearly but I assure you that you are truly beautiful and someday, though you don’t believe in what I am saying, someone will embrace your flaws and imperfections like you do. I am really proud of you for being courageous enough, strong enough to choose life again.

          Yes, you are crying deep inside. Yes you are in pain most of the time but don’t listen to what other people say. Listen to your heart, listen to what God says. He loves you as His princess, feel His embrace.

Yes you don’t like what you see but I like what I see in you. All of you, I love you. Let me hug you and kiss you for who you are. Let me love you. Let me take good care of you. Let me fight for you.




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