Hi there good-looking! If you’re like me, a self –reflective type of person, I suggest you explore and discover something about yourself by answering the following questions I got from lavendaire.com and enjoy! So for now, will answer the first five questions out of the 30 questions listed. 1. HOW DO I FEEL AT THE MOMENT? At the moment I feel relaxed after seeing the flowers of the fire trees I saw here in our subdivision. Also, I am feeling excited for tomorrow’s opening of classes in MCL, meaning back to cashier work and duties at Sugnaan Grill. 2. WHAT DO I NEED MORE OF IN MY LIFE? I need more travels and adventures cause I stay in the house most of the time and I think that frequent trips to somewhere will spark the creativity I have. I also need love of course, because love is all we need! Hugs! 3. WHAT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY RIGHT NOW? At the moment, I think if someone close or dear to me will...
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